Small Business Resources

RGB Color Wheel
Utilize this Color Wheel to easily enhance the overall look of your designs.

Getty Images
Largest online stock photography website.

Helpful Tutorials
Know what you want to accomplish but can't figure out the software?

Get Flashy!
Great tutorials dedicated to Macromedia Flash.

Graphic Design Forum
Get in touch with other artists and expand your design abilities.

All about Java!
Use the power of Java to make your website stand out from the rest.

All about HTML
Learn the first language associated with the Internet.

Everything about PHP
Increase efficiency using PHP in your code.

Advanced Operating System
BSD offers advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility.

The world's most popular open source database.

MySQL database administration tool.

The world's most popular web server.

Un-managed Hosting
Get your website up and running.

Managed Hosting
Handling all of the aspects of your website.

Managed dedicated hosting.

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